Corporate Debt



The ARX Everest FIC FIRF CP fund aims at investing at least 95% of its equity in shares of the ARX Everest Master FIRF CP, which seeks investment opportunities in private credit assets and federal government bonds.

To obtain the best results, we continuously monitor the credit risk, which involves the revaluation of the issuers’ financial health approved by the committee.

We also avail ourselves of some arbitrations conducted because of the market restrictions.

  • Inception Date: 12/13/2018
  • Target Investors: Qualified Investors
  • ANBIMA Class: RF - Short Duration - Investment Grade
  • Minimum Management Fee: 0.7% p.a. paid monthly
  • Maximum Management Fee: The fund is subject to the fees of the invested funds.
  • Performance Fee: There is not
  • Taxation: Income Tax according to the long-term classification
  • Subscription: Quota D+0
  • Redemption: Quota D+60 (consecutive days)
  • Redemption Settlement: D+1 (business days) after valuation
  • Minimum Balance: R$ 1,000.00
  • Minimal Movement: R$ 1,000.00
  • Minimum Initial Subscription: R$ 1,000.00
  • Administrator: BNY Mellon DTVM S.A.
  • Custodian: BNY Mellon Banco S.A.
  • Global Fee:
  • Minimum Global Fee:
  • Maximum Global Fee:
  • Portfolio Management Fee:
  • Bookkeeping Fee:
  • Management Fee:
Fund Date Quota (R$) Day Month Year 12M Inception NAV (R$)
ARX Everest FIC FIRF CP 02/06/2025 1.77534084 0.06% 0.18% 1.11% 13.54% 77.53% 262,470,233.75
CDI   02/06/2025 - 0.05% 0.20% 1.21% 10.95% 62.50% -

Historical Performance

  • Since inception
  • 12M
  • 24M
  • 36M
ARX Investimentos Close

The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not represent an offer or any investment suggestion or recommendation in particular or in general. This material is for the exclusive use of ARX Investimentos and must not be reproduced or redistributed to any other person, in whole or in part, without the prior consent of ARX Investimentos. This material contains no representation or warranty, express or implied, about a promise of future profitability regarding the financial product or service in question. This document does not take into account the investment goals, financial situation, or particular needs of any specific individual or company. ARX Investimentos does not market nor distributes fund shares or any other financial asset.

Investment funds are not guaranteed by the fund manager, the portfolio manager, any insurance mechanism or, even, the credit guarantee fund (FGC). Some funds managed by ARX Investimentos use derivative strategies as an integral part of their investment policies. These strategies, as they are adopted, may result in significant equity losses to its unit owners and may even give rise to losses exceeding the capital invested and the consequent obligation of the shareholder to contribute with additional assets to cover the loss of the fund. Some funds are authorized to make investments in foreign financial assets. Read the governing documents, such as the regulations and the fund fact sheet, before investing. Past yield does not represent assurance of future yield. The profitability disclosed is not net of taxes and fees. Please visit each fund’s page to check the previous month’s return, the return for the year, the monthly arithmetic average equity for the last 12 months, the start date of operations, and other relevant information about each fund. Multimarket and equity funds might be exposed to a significant concentration in assets from few issuers, with all risks arising therefrom. There is no guarantee that the tax treatment of long-term funds will apply to multimarket and fixed income funds. In compliance with CVM Instruction No. 465, since May 2, 2008, variable income funds no longer calculate their profitability based on the average share price, but based on the closing price. Thus, profitability comparisons should use, for periods prior to May 2, 2008, the average stock price index and, for periods after this date, the closing price. Private credit funds are subject to the risk of substantially losing its equity in events that give rise to non-payment of assets belonging to its portfolio, including due to intervention, liquidation, temporary administration regime, bankruptcy, court-supervised or out-of-court reorganization of issuers responsible for the fund assets. For assessment of the performance of an investment fund, it is recommended that an analysis be carried out for a minimum of twelve (12) months. In case the comparative profitability index used in this material is not a target or performance parameter for the fund, the indicator will be used as a mere economic reference. Source of the benchmarks: Ibovespa – B3; CDI – Cetip; and IMA-B / IMA-B5 – ANBIMA.

Supervision and Inspection: Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM Citizen Service Center: